Publishing your paper: Meet the Editor of the Journal of Mixed Methods Research
The purpose of the Journal of Mixed Methods Research (JMMR) is to promote theoretical and methodological advances in the field of mixed methods research. The purpose of this session is to encourage understanding about procedures for successfully publishing in JMMR. A Co-Editor of the journal will review the article types accepted, critical elements to include in a methodological submission, common errors often seen in submissions that are to be avoided, the generally preferred structure of submissions, an overview of the peer-review process, and strategies for addressing the comments of reviewers. In the interactive-participatory component, participants will develop key elements of their own projects for a potential submission including writing a methodological title, a methodological aim, and an outline. At the completion of the workshop, participants will have a better understanding of the submission, review and acceptance process for manuscripts submitted to JMMR.
Michael D. Fetters, MD, MPH, MA, Professor, University of Michigan and Co-Director, University of Michigan Mixed Methods Research and Scholarship Program; Co-Editor, Journal of Mixed Methods Research.