Mixed Methods Data Analysis with MAXQDA (featuring Joint Displays)
After a decade of developing mixed methods designs and design typologies, in recent time questions of data analysis are attracting more interest. This workshop will focus on the challenge of integration during the phase of analysis. Integration is the crucial point in mixed methods research; it can be realized in many different ways and joint displays play a major role for integration. The workshop is participatory-interactive and will focus on the different strategies of integration: Ten different strategies of bringing together qualitative and quantitative data will be discussed, e.g. side-by-side displays of results, qualitative exploration of extreme cases, quantitizing, qualitizing, thematic displays by quantitative groups, qualitative typology as grouping variable for quantitative data. It will be demonstrated how these strategies can be realized with the special mixed methods procedures of the software MAXQDA.
Participants are encouraged to bring a personal laptop. Workshop Participants will:
1. Understand the different ways integration can be achieved in the phase of analysis.
2. Learn about joint displays as an important tool to achieve integration.
3. Learn to plan and design mixed methods data analysis.
Prof. Dr. Udo Kuckartz is Professor Emeritus of Research Methodology in the Department of Education at the Philipps-University Marburg. He has written more than 150 publications, including numerous textbooks on quantitative and qualitative research methods and is the author and developer of MAXQDA.