Keynote Speakers

Professor Nancy Cartwright - First mix the claims; then mix the methods

Wednesday 22nd, 14 - 15h (HS10)

Nancy Cartwright is a methodologist/philosopher of science working at Durham University in the UK and the University of California at San Diego in the USA. She has done research on modelling in the natural and social sciences, causal inference, objectivity and, most recently, evidence, especially for evidence-based policy. She has co-authored two books on evidence-based policy, one of which is on general topics, including the need for mixed methods research, the second of which is directed towards child protection practitioners, as well as a number of more philosophical monographs, including two on causation and causal inference. She has served on a number of committees in the UK and USA considering evidence for evidence-based policy, including the US National Research Council, the UK Academy of Medical Sciences, and the UK Department for International Development's Centre of Excellence for Development, Impact and Learning. She is a fellow of the British Academy, of the (British) Academy of Social Sciences, of the German Academy of Science (Leopoldina), and of the American Philosophical Society (the oldest learned society in the US), as well as a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a previous MacArthur Fellow. She was previously a Professor at Stanford University, where she specialized in philosophy of physics, and at the London School of Economics, where her interests turned to the philosophy of the social and economic sciences.

Professor Burke Johnson - Moving forward with Mixed Methods Research

Thursday 23rd, 15 - 16h (HS10)

Burke Johnson is a professor in the Department of Counseling and Instructional Sciences at the University of South Alabama. His PhD is from the REMS (research, evaluation, measurement, and statistics) program in the College of Education at the University of Georgia. He also has graduate degrees in psychology, sociology, and public administration, which have provided him with a multidisciplinary perspective on research methodology. He was guest editor for a special issue of Research in the Schools focusing on mixed methods research and completed a similar guest editorship for the American Behavioral Scientist. He was an associate editor of the Journal of Mixed Methods Research in its early years, and is currently an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches. Burke is first author of Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches (Sage, 2017, 5th edition); second author of Research Methods, Design, and Analysis (Pearson, 2014, 12th edition); second author of The SAGE Dictionary of Statistics and Methodology (2015); coeditor (with Sharlene Hesse-Biber) of The Oxford Handbook of Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research Inquiry (2015); coeditor (with Paul Vogt) of Correlation and Regression Analysis (2012); and associate editor of The SAGE Glossary of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (2009). Burke is currently working on two edited books: (a) Psychology of Peace: Promoting and Sustaining Peace (Mary Gloria Njoku, Leonard Jason, and Burke Johnson, Springer) and (b) Reviewer’s Guide for Mixed Methods Research Analysis (Tony Onwuegbuzie and Burke Johnson, Routledge). Burke's current interests are in advances in mixed methodology and the history and philosophy of social science. You can find information about my research here:

Dr Barbara Soukup - Investigating the dialogical relationship between language use and language attitudes under a mixed-methods logic

Friday 24th, 9 - 10h (HS10)

Barbara Soukup is an Austrian Science Fund sponsored Elise-Richter Research Fellow at the University of Vienna English Department. She received her M.phil. in English and French studies from the University of Vienna, and her MSc and PhD in linguistics from Georgetown University in Washington, DC, with a specialization in sociolinguistics. A central theme in Soukup’s work is the strategic, agentive use of linguistic variation (the various styles/ dialects/ languages available to speakers) for purposes of rhetorical goals and interactional meaning-making, such as the construction of interactional identities, messages, and relationships. In this, she draws on and integrates theory and methodology from all across the sociolinguistic sub-disciplines, notably from variationist sociolinguistics, interactional sociolinguistics, social psychology of language (language attitude study), linguistic landscape study, cognitive sociolinguistics, and perceptual dialectology. These fields operate with a great variety and disparity of methodological approaches, including diverging pulls towards quantitative or qualitative research methods. Soukup’s publications have straddled the concomitant divides by applying a mixed-methods rationale to her research, notably conceptualizing objects of inquiry such as language ideologies and attitudes in terms of discursive constructs that are amenable to both the (quantitative) study of generalized, wide-spread, stereotypical patterns, as well as (qualitative) in-depth analyses of fully contextualized instantiations. She currently explores the patterns of occurrence and interactional functions of “English in the Linguistic Landscape of Vienna, Austria” in a large-scale project of the same name, financed by the Austrian Science Fund (Project Nr. V 394-G23).