Embedding Mixed Methods Research into Experiments

This workshop is for individuals who are conducting all forms of experimental research, whether in the health sciences or the social sciences.  It will focus on the multiple types of experiments and how mixed methods needs to be adjusted to fit the different models.  It will extend the current discussion about "mixed methods designs" and talk about one specific form of a complex design, the "Intervention Mixed Methods Design" (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2018).  It will begin by reviewing the evolution of research designs in mixed methods, assess some of the types of intervention or experimental designs (e.g., randomized controlled trial, the quasi-experimental design, the stepped wedge design, etc.), then discuss how to design an experiment or intervention with embedded mixed methods procedures.  Overall, the focus will be on the practice of developing mixed methods designs, and include diagramming the procedures, detailing how qualitative data flows into experiments, creating joint displays to report results, and using appropriate mixed methods language to describe the design. Participants are encouraged to bring their experimental projects to engage in hands-on activities during the workshop.

John W. Creswell, PhD, Michigan Mixed Methods Research Program, University of Michigan, USA

Justine Wu, PhD, Department of Family Medicine, University of Michigan, USA